The Finnish Society for Game Research

The Finnish Society for Game Research is a registered association focused on promoting multidisciplinary game research in Finland. The society was founded in Jyväskylä in May 2016. We have been a member of the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV) and the national DiGRA (Digital Games Research Association) chapter and representative since 2022​.

Our purpose and mission are to promote game research and research-based education; act as a multidisciplinary representative and support network for game researchers in Finland; offer research-based expertise in public discussions concerning games and play; and maintain connections to international game research networks.

Our activities include organising public events (e.g. The Finnish Game Studies Day every spring), organising the annual Game Studies Thesis Competition together with Neogames Finland, publishing The Finnish Yearbook of Game Studies, creating and collecting resources on the website, and actively communicating about current news and events related to game research. We also promote the interests of game researchers within Finnish academia.

We welcome all game researchers in Finland to participate and develop the society and its activities!

Become our member

You can apply for membership by filling this form on our website: 

The board will process the membership applications. In 2025, the full membership fee is 30 euros and discounted membership fee (for students, pensioners, unemployed members, and grant researchers) is 15 euros. Membership fees are confirmed by our members in our autumn meeting.

Join our mailing list

We have a mailing list that is open to everyone interested in game research in Finland! Once a month, we will send a newsletter including updates on the society’s activities as well as current game research events and calls for paper. You can join the list here:

Board 2024

Contact the board:


Usva Friman (Tampere University)

Board members

Vice President Mikko Meriläinen (Tampere University)
Secretary Haron Walliander (University of Turku)
Treasurer Johan Kalmanlehto (University of Jyväskylä)
Henry Korkeila (Tampere University)
Markku Reunanen (Aalto University & University of Turku)
Heidi Rautalahti (Aalto University)
Derek Fewster (University of Helsinki)
Susanna Nieminen (University of Helsinki)

Vice members

Jonne Arjoranta (University of Jyväskylä)
Ville Malinen (University of Jyväskylä)
Juho Kahila (University of Eastern Finland)