Pitkän tauon jälkeen pääsemme jälleen järjestämään Pelitutkimuksen päivän kasvokkain!
Vuoden 2022 Pelitutkimuksen päivä järjestetään torstaina 12.5. Helsingin yliopistolla, yhteistyössä HY:n HeGRiC-pelitutkimuskollektiivin kanssa. Tapahtuma on ilmainen ja avoin kaikille kiinnostuneille. Voit ilmoittautua mukaan osoitteessa https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/2221EBD65F63131C.
Tapahtumassa julkistetaan myös vuoden 2022 pelialan opinnäytetyökilpailun voittajat. Tapahtuman jälkeen pidetään Pelitutkimuksen seuran kevätkokous.
Pelitutkimuksen päivä järjestetään osoitteessa Unioninkatu 38, sali F211. Kulku tilaan tapahtuu sisäpihan kautta. Tila soveltuu liikuntarajoitteisille.
12.15-12.20 Suomen pelitutkimuksen seuran puheenjohtajan tervehdys
12.20-12.30 HeGRiCin esittely
12.30-13.00 Video games, gaming and game development in India. Xenia Zeiler, Helsingin yliopisto
13.00-13.30 The N-Gage as cultural heritage – an exhibition project about Nokia’s failed gaming console. Niklas Nylund, Suomen pelimuseo
13.30-14.00 Kahvitauko
14.00-14.50 Pelialan opinnäytekilpailun voittajien julkistus
14.50-15.00 Tiedotukset ja loppusanat
15.00 Tilaisuuden päätös
15.10 Suomen pelitutkimuksen seuran kevätkokous
Xenia Zeiler is Professor of South Asian Studies at the Department of Cultures, Faculty of Arts, University of Helsinki. Her research and teaching are situated at the intersection of digital media, culture, and society, specifically as related to India and the global Indian community. Her research foci are video games and gaming in India, digital religion (especially Hinduism), global Hinduism, and Tantric traditions. She also researches and teaches aspects of (Global) Digital Humanities and popular culture, especially as related to India.
In her talk, professor Xeiler discusses video games in India. The gaming landscapes in India are increasingly complex and include both international and Indian productions. In the latter, we find innovative developments from especially indie companies that use Indian cultural heritage (e.g., historical/religious references, music, dance, architecture, dress styles elements) in especially narrative and aesthetics, thus very consciously setting their games apart from dominant ’Western’ games. With this, India has charted a highly interesting and distinctive path in the experimentation with the potential of video games which currently is done by game developers globally.
Niklas Nylund is a museum researcher and curator working for the Finnish Museum of Games in Tampere, Finland. His PhD Game Heritage: Digital Games in Museum Collections and Exhibitions (2020) deals with the heritagization of games in museums and hobbyist heritage communities. His other research interests include game preservation, game history, exhibition design and questions of cultural heritage and inclusivity.
In his talk, Nylund explores the process of turning the conflicting discourses of the Nokia N-Gage handheld game console into an exhibition for the Finnish Museum of Games. The heritagization of the N-Gage is of concern to numerous stakeholders, but there is also a critical need for distance and reflexivity. The exhibition project is thus part of a discursive shift from corporate interests to a broader cultural understanding of the importance of the N-Gage.